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Author Archives: frank
Why fly?
Flying used to be fun. In the mid to late 1990’s and the early 2000’s, airlines were doing very well and seemed always to try to do better. For the most part whatever they could do to gain your repeat … Continue reading
Tagged Travel
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The Perfect Mess
I’m not the neatest person alive, but I’m far from the messiest. Elizabeth on the other hand is a one-girl Perfect Storm of clutter. She’s so messy, when she walks in to a clean room, the room will clutter itself … Continue reading
Tagged Parenting
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Walking in “downtown” Evans
After a month of listings, phone calls, and meeting up with prospective buyers in various parking lots around town, I’ve traded the car Andrea and I bought when we returned from London in April 2001 for a counter check in … Continue reading
Tagged Columbia County, GA
No really, how much impact was that again?
Been thinking some more about No Impact Man (NIM). Almost as hard as actually changing your habits is going to be measuring the impact. How can you be zero net impact if you don’t track both the “impact” and the … Continue reading
How to get back out of shape in two short weeks
There are plenty of ways to avoid getting in shape, but this routine has worked really well for me over the past few weeks. Give it a try! First you have sign up for a couple of events that are … Continue reading
Tagged Cycling
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