The Perfect Mess

I’m not the neatest person alive, but I’m far from the messiest.

Elizabeth on the other hand is a one-girl Perfect Storm of clutter. She’s so messy, when she walks in to a clean room, the room will clutter itself up out of fear, or maybe it’s admiration; who can tell?

I’ve learned a few things from her about clutter. My favorite because it works in almost any room in the house is, whenever you need to get something out of a storage container, say a drawer or a basket, dump the contents on the floor, sort through it by heaving the items you don’t want in every direction, leaving them where they fall. If you’ve chosen the correct container, you’ll pick up the item you want by the time you reach the bottom of the pile. If not, you can always move on to the next container in line, because this technique is easily repeatable as well as endlessly entertaining.

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