Tag Archives: Food and Drink

Ten minutes to a good cappuccino with 1/3rd the mess

A typical process for making a cappuccino, say at a cafe or a Starbucks, goes like this: Foam the milk in a special milk-steaming vessel Pull the shots of espresso in to special espresso shot cups Pour the milk in … Continue reading

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How about this coffee for work?

Seems like the coffee at work is often either too weak because someone started with crappy mass-market grounds and only used half a thimble of them per cup, or it’s too bitter because they don’t clean out the coffee pot … Continue reading

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Meat, cooked on fire!

Andrea got me a water smoker for christmas this year. The cooking principle is a narrow cylinder with an electric heating element or charcoal bin at the bottom, topped by a container to hold water, with one or more layers … Continue reading

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Pavoni Europiccola 110v Conversion

At long last, after an unfortunate lapse in interest or loss of motivation, depending on how you look at it, I’ve finally completed the conversion of our 220v Pavoni Europiccola to 110v. We purchased it at the Fairfax Cook Shop … Continue reading

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Pizza Joint

After several weeks of having another local wining and dining spot in the Pizza Joint, I have a comment: the sandwiches are very good, the pizza toppings and sauce are very good, but the dough is much too sweet. I … Continue reading

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