How about this coffee for work?

Seems like the coffee at work is often either too weak because someone started with crappy mass-market grounds and only used half a thimble of them per cup, or it’s too bitter because they don’t clean out the coffee pot between uses. If the ibrik would work on an electric stovetop, Turkish Coffee might be a good bet.

I could use the Gaggia MDF to grind the beans at home, then dose the grinds in to a storage container and carry them to work. I’ll definitely have to look in to this idea!

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3 Responses to How about this coffee for work?

  1. Scott says:

    I had always heard that proper Turkish coffee was made with 3 boils (or near boils). This is stated at the bottom of the wiki page as a comment, but I think the proper or most common historical technique would need to be researched as part of this plan. Combine this idea with a stainless steel french press and one could eliminate the grounds as well.

  2. frank says:

    From what I’ve read about it, you don’t really want to eliminate the grounds; you’re supposed to be left with a sludge at the bottom of your cup.

  3. Scott says:

    sure, that’s what I’ve heard as well, but I would think that the flavor is already in the liquid. I think the real key is the near boil as opposed to a french press. I might not be authentic, but I don’t need to read the ground either.

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