Building and Testing Darwin Calendar Server

Since I first checked this out on Tuesday, they’ve updated a couple of configuration files and, more importantly, added a README so I know how to build it. It’s also nice to see at least one or two people have got there before me, so I may be able to ask some questions if I get stuck along the way. Apple will only say it works on Leopard, but my 10.4 install with Python 2.4 from DarwinPorts seems to be hosting it just fine.

I’ll need to find a usable client before I could hope to get this out of testing. We’ve been looking for something like this, and I hope it goes without saying that the something isn’t Microsoft Exchange, since our mail servers run on Linux, for a long time. Current-generation dav calendar apps such as iCal don’t support the CalDav protocol, so I have to look at upcoming apps. Apple mentions Chandler in the README, but it seems pretty crufty so far. For example I’m able to subscribe to the example included calendars pretty easily, but I can’t figure out how to publish a calendar from Chandler.

So far, then, I’m no better off with Darwin Calendar Server than I am with any old WebDav server and calendar client, such as Apache and iCal, because I can already publish non-shared calendars to WebDav, and subscribe to them via URL’s. I don’t see that DCS is going to improve things much until I find a good, shared client, and one that integrates cleanly with other applications, e.g. mail and address books.

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