Toddlers, closets, and syllables, oh my!

It’s still amazing how much a child can change in a few days. I was away from the house for 3 days and 2 nights this week, and in that time, Elizabeth has developed a keen interest in doors, shutting herself in a closet, the pantry, or one of the bathrooms at least several times a day. She hasn’t yet figured out how to turn the knobs to open the same doors, so that brings up the 2nd change: she’s starting to put together different syllables. Most of her speech to date has consisted of repeating the same syllable, e.g. “mama” or “dada,” though she’s always managed to make an exception for “Melmo.” Whenever she manages to shut herself in one of those dark rooms, she belts out, “MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY…” until someone comes and lets her out!

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