Serendipity is under new ownership

A while back, I complained about this place not opening until 10:00 AM on the weekdays, effectively killing any chance of establishing a commuter clientele.

Late last week, thanks to the overly-flashy digital sign for the strip mall on Washington Road, Scott, who thinks my blog should have a category just for coffee, learned they’re under new ownership. This morning while driving in to work to finish up a presentation and demo for tomorrow’s business trip, I saw the coffee-loving commuter’s siren: a neon red “Open” sign!

I stopped in, and I have to digress for a minute to tell you that the previous owner once proudly told Andrea she had never even tasted coffee! And she runs a coffee shop? EXCUSE ME?

Anyway, the new owner responded to my question, “Where do you get your espresso beans?” with an enthusiastic description of how he and his wife, who is also the co-owner, had done weeks of research online to find a good roaster, and had samples delivered to their home before the new year, all in preparation for their 1 January acquisition of Serendipity.

Their espresso roast is a tad lighter than Starbucks, a tad less oily than Abbie’s Sumatra, but is both darker and more oily than the Italian espresso roast I just bought from The Coffee Guy. There wasn’t as much crema as I’d like, but I’ll definitely give them a few more chances. At least they actually like and drink coffee!

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2 Responses to Serendipity is under new ownership

  1. Scott says:

    What did you think of the coffee from the Coffee Guy?

  2. frank says:

    His italien decaffeinated beans are great. I haven’t tried any of the others yet. Those prices on the list he gave me are per pound, not for a five pound bag. Looked too good to be true and it was!

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