Thankfully, all questions aren’t this easy

Dooce asks why Elmo always speaks in third person.

Frank thinks it’s because babies understand proper names before they understand pronouns.

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4 Responses to Thankfully, all questions aren’t this easy

  1. Jenny says:

    True, however, I’ve always felt very strongly that we shouldn’t talk down to our children. I never talked about myself in the third person to our kids, and our oldest had absolutely no confusion about the proper way to address anyone.

    The one who bothers me is Baby Bear who teaches kids to speak improperly. I know, teach tolerance about people with lisps, but speaking as someone who used to have a pretty bad lisp, I’d rather my kids learn proper pronunciation.


  2. frank says:

    I don’t think that using third person instead of pronouns is talking down to anyone. To me, it’s no different than using sign language with a child that is too young to be able to make intelligible words verbally. It’s just a way of helping us communicate with each other while she’s getting it all figured out.

  3. Jenny says:

    People who talk that way to their infants, though, tend to get in the habit and still talk to their 5 year olds that way. In my observation.

    We’re off to California on a trip, so if you have any witty rebuttal, I won’t see it for a while. =)

  4. frank says:

    I have no witty rebuttal, but we have four years to break ourselves of any bad habits we develop, so I will take my usual tactic, which is not to worry.

    Have a nice trip!

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