Which Blog?

This morning I received an email from my domain hosting company saying I could set up WordPress on my domain with just about one click’s worth of effort. Most of the email I receive is either from mailing lists or is spam. On the account that was my primary account 10 years ago, I made the dubious decision to post a few things to Usenet. I STILL get spam on that account, despite not having sent an email from it in 10 years.

You wouldn’t think an automatic email regarding blog software relates to email, but it does. Back in the day, when we used to walk barefoot in the snow twenty miles to school uphill both ways, people used email to stay in touch, only back then it was called E-mail. Now that everyone uses SMS or instant pestering for short messages and just posts longer things to their blog, I figure I may as well give in to the realization that it is unlikely I will ever receive a personal email or letter again.

So, on to the blog. But which one to choose?

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