Tag Archives: General

My ongoing gall bladder saga

I came out of this winter feeling unusually lethargic and bloated after meals. Eventually I started feeling other symptoms, such as discomfort in my upper abdomen. It caused me some insomnia; I’d have trouble falling asleep at night, and would … Continue reading

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Another jump-start

Yesterday I had to go jump-start Andrea’s car again, this time in the pouring rain. Why is it the car won’t start only on cold or wet days? This time, I listened to some advice from co-workers, who suggested the … Continue reading

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Drained batteries

This week, on the coldest and dampest day possible without it actually snowing, Andrea discovered it takes only about half an hour to drain her car’s battery when she sits with the engine off but the radio and apparently the … Continue reading

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Traveling with your favorite TiVo user?

Try this for fun: You’re staying in a hotel, it doesn’t matter where, but it could be Savannah. You’re watching the news and you catch a glimpse of someone trying to twist open a bottle of beer that was made … Continue reading

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Elections in Iraq

Electoral officials estimated that up to eight million Iraqis voted – more than 60% of those registered. 60% bests the turnout for the USA 2004 Presidential election of 59.6% of eligible voters.

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