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Tag Archives: Geek
One thing leads to another
I started poking around the WordPress site, looking for hints on optimizing page rendering performance. There’s the usual bit of flaming going on in the forums, in fact when I read one thread with two people arguing about whether MySQL … Continue reading
Tagged Geek
Dreamhost not so dreamy
As if Dreamhost’s well-publicized problems during the last three weeks of July weren’t enough to frustrate a shared web hosting customer such as myself, with a single humble domain hosting a couple of lightly-used blogs and a photo gallery, lately … Continue reading
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Darwin Calendar Server
I can’t imagine I’m alone in the desire to run Darwin Calendar Server on Panther or Tiger. I also can’t imagine I’m alone in being disappointed at the apparent lack of production-quality clients. Finally, how about faster hosting for this … Continue reading
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Monolingual broke our Tiger
Monolingual version 1.3.2 broke Tiger, Mac OS X 10.3.6, on a macbook, to the point where Rosetta applications wouldn’t run, and software updates couldn’t complete. Andrea got a new Macbook so she could work on writing her book. As the … Continue reading
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Panther Server’s Open Directory forgot how to authenticate me
So I was sitting at my desk this morning, more or less happily working away. I needed to ssh to the xserve a couple of times for some reason or other. The last time I did it this morning, I … Continue reading
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