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Tag Archives: Geek
Subversion on Mac OS X Server 10.3
Reading the product literature, you’d think this would be easy, but there are actually a number of questions I’ve been unable to answer without just trying it. There are some helpful webpages, especially Fred Sanchez, but I get the feeling … Continue reading
Tagged Geek
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Bruce Schneier provides an overview of hashing and SHA-1 in response to the breaking of SHA-1, but where are the details on the break? He says the cryptographic significance of this technique is large since so many algorithms rely on … Continue reading
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Blogging IP and employment issues
/. occasionally clues me in to an interesting article, like The Weblog Question. There are questions about appropriateness of employee weblogs and ownership of content on employer-sponsored or requires weblogs, as well as personal sites. I have a hard time … Continue reading
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Convergence, meet Ease of Use
Not too long ago I mentioned the type of ease of use I want out of my appliances, whether it’s a dishwasher, a wireless LAN, or a gizmo that lets me play my music over the stereo without having to … Continue reading
Mac Media Center
Perfect! I knew if the right hardware at the right price point came out, someone would do the hard work for me. Mac Media Center