Tag Archives: Food and Drink

What makes a Mocha?

Apparently one of my local coffee places, Abbi’s, uses both dark and white chocolate syrups in their mocha. White chocolate isn’t really chocolate, it’s just a confection. Why would you put it in an espresso and milk beverage? I’ll take … Continue reading

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Training tip

Barberito’s Fatty is a tasty meal and probably better for you than most fast or even sit-down restaurant fare, but it is not appopriate to eat BEFORE the training ride. Trust me on this one.

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Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

We’ve tried a couple of Irish recipes this week, starting with with a slow-cooked Corned Beef Cabbage and moving on to the real star, corned beef hash with poached eggs. Neither belong in the “Healthy Living” section, but they were … Continue reading

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Xocolatl revisited

Last night, we made truffles using the Cook’s Illustrated recipe. It’s from an older issue and I’d been skipping over it for years, always assuming it would be a bit too involved for me. I don’t shy away from cooking … Continue reading

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Wright Square Cafe in Savannah sells enough brands of dark chocolate to keep me entertained for at least several weeks! My favorite so far is Dagoba’s Xocolatl chocolate, a 74% cacao bar “infused with chilis, cacao nibs, maca, vanilla, & … Continue reading

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