Do you like Micro-Brew?

After driving to one of Kirsten’s favorite eats in Baltimore, Iggies, and finding it to be closed, we headed over to Little Italy to park, then walked to the Inner Harbor.

Since we were trying for pizza anyway, we decided to eat at Uno’s.

I noted a line on the beer menu telling me to ask about their selection of local beers. The waiter said, “Hook and Ladder.”

“What kind of beer is that?”

He didn’t want to say, I don’t know, so instead he said, “Do you like micro-brew?”

I said, “It depends on the micro-brew.”

He said, “Well this beer is like a micro-brew.”

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Evans loses its best salsa

Moe always says he knows burritos, but let me tell you, his salsa his from a can and it SUCKS! Until a few weeks ago, I didn’t care much about Moe’s salsa. I’d been to the Mullin’s Crossing location a couple of times since it opened, just to check it out, and one time I went because my cousin was in town and she likes it, but I didn’t mind their crappy salsa because I knew where to get better, and if it was any closer to my office it would’ve been next door. Sadly, Barberito’s, which has fantastic, fresh salsa every day, closed their Evans location a couple of weeks ago. One Tuesday I met Andrea and the kids there for lunch, and we just stood in front of the empty restaurant shaking the locked doors and asking, “Why?”

I think it boiled down to location. Moe’s usually has a decent crowd at lunch, but it’s a bit more centrally located. There aren’t really any businesses west of the old Barberito’s location along Washington Road, so it feels farther away than it really was.

Now if I want a burrito with good salsa, I have to drive all the way to the location at the Exchange, an unappealing idea during the weekday lunch rush. I suppose I could make the salsa myself and take it in to Moe’s, or I could just learn to roll a burrito myself.

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More tarnish for pro cycling’s image

Ah, July. The annual 4th of July road trip vacation, the Tour de France, and the putrid smell of yet another doping scandal. I don’t know if he’s innocent or guilty, I just want to see a clean sport. At least Vino uses clear language when he claims his innocence, stating “I never doped”. Some other popular retired athletes use weasel words like, “How many times was I tested? I have never been caught doping.” Yes, Lance, we read the news, we KNOW you’ve never been caught doping. I don’t care whether you’ve been caught, I want to know whether you doped.

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2007 Tour de France Stage 1

I was driving back with the family from our vacation in Maryland, so I didn’t see the Prologue in London. A pity, since it’s fun to watch sports events in places you recognize. Seeing the peloton ride across Tower Bridge in the out-takes was certainly pretty cool.

Andrea’s not in to the race at all yet this year. I’m sitting up in the TV room watching the coverage by myself. Even the cats have got bored and gone downtstairs. I’ve got some questions, but few answers. Do we get to concentrate on the sporting drama again this year, or will the focus once again be on performance-enhancing drugs?

I still enjoy watching a good race, and I’ll watch this one unless the news coverage turns sour. If that happens, I’ll just turn off the TV and go for a ride.

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‘Scooter’ takes the Bel Air Turtle Derby by storm

Here are a few pictures we took of ‘Scooter’ at the 2007 Bel Air Turtle Derby. He entered the race in the Box Turtle category, racing in support of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.

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