Category Archives: General

Losing stuff and finding it again

Since Elizabeth has become mobile and often wants to play with the same things she sees Andrea and I using, I’ve become much more careful about where I put certain things, especially if they’re delicate or I use them frequently. … Continue reading

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Notes: ‘Churchill at War 1940-45’

I started calling this a review, but realized I’m probably not qualified or motivated to write an actual review on this book. I became interested in Winston Churchill and one of his ancestors while reading The Baroque Cycle and have … Continue reading

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Where’s the beef?

Someone recently sent me a BBC article on a patent granted to Blackboard covering an Internet-based education server, or as the lingo goes in the industry, a Learning Management System. I’ve read the claims and I agree with Alfred Essa, … Continue reading

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Figs, canning, heat, nesting insincts, etc

I know it’s hard to believe all these things are related but trust me, at least they aren’t completely unrelated. We’ve got a fig tree in the back yard. This is its third summer bearing fruit, and what a haul … Continue reading

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Liz is the new Wilson Phillips

Yesterday Andrea bought the new Liz Phair CD, so I’ve been listening to it while I do some work. The sound isn’t ANYTHING like the Exile in Guyville era. Andrea pointed out it’s more like early 1990’s Wilson Phillips.

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