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Author Archives: frank
A Two-Gu Ride
I finally had a good riding weekend, after six weeks of lethargy and not much riding at all. I went with Randy, Mike, Robert, and Jeff, all very enthusiastic and just enough faster than me to push me a bit. … Continue reading
Tagged Cycling
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Cycling progress
What happened to my reasonably frequent blog posts about cycling? How am I progressing towards my goal of 3000 miles this year? Well, I could ramble on about it, but really, two main factors have contributed to me not riding … Continue reading
Tagged Cycling
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Dreamhosting gets better
After several go-rounds via email with a couple of support folks at Dreamhost, they’ve said the problems I was experiencing with all my files residing on happy.dreamhost.com were related to happy’s NFS mounts — apparently something was wrong with its … Continue reading
Tagged Geek
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Where’s the beef?
Someone recently sent me a BBC article on a patent granted to Blackboard covering an Internet-based education server, or as the lingo goes in the industry, a Learning Management System. I’ve read the claims and I agree with Alfred Essa, … Continue reading
Cool TV gadget
Elgato has been making TV tuner boxes and software for the mac for a while now, Scott has an older one and likes it, and earlier this year I was thinking about getting some HDTV in the house on the … Continue reading