Author Archives: frank

Scaling, padding, Cocoa, and Bindings

I mentioned a while ago needing to implement batched image processing for my mom’s website that would allow her to easily generate a bunch of images of a certain size, padded with a certain color, for her website. Besides the … Continue reading

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Cocoa Bindings are awesome, yet fraught with peril for the inexperienced

Apparently ivars that are bound to from a nib, via a controller object, don’t have an initial or default value unless I assign one either via code or via the UI element. Almost all of my experience with the NeXT … Continue reading

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Big D.I.Y. Egg

bbum’s blog was my first online encounter with the Big Green Egg. Recently he referenced a similar concept, but D.I.Y. instead of purchased. It’s a Terra Cotta Smoker similar to Alton Brown’s, but designed to burn hardwood charcoal instead of … Continue reading

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QuickTime, Texturing, and OpenGL

The movies I’ve examined don’t have an alpha channel so I’m using RGB and it works fine. // Create an off-screen gworld where QT can draw gworldBuffer = calloc(width * height * 3, 1); QTNewGWorldFromPtr(&gworld, k24RGBPixelFormat, &movieBox, NULL, NULL, 0, … Continue reading

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Not Turkey Creek

And not quite Wine Creek, either. My neighbor and I went on our first mountain bike ride in quite some time. I really enjoy it every time I go, but for some reason my perceived effort from desire to ride … Continue reading

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