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Author Archives: frank
The AC Saga
The saga with our air conditioner has continued since my last post on the matter. One of the few disadvantages of growing up as an “Army brat” is that most of my formative years were spent living in apartment-style housing, … Continue reading
Tagged D.I.Y.
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Roughing it at home
Yesterday afternoon when I came inside from edging and mowing the front lawn, Andrea commented she felt pretty hot, and I didn’t think much of it because of course I’d been outside, so anything out of the sun felt cool … Continue reading
Our Guide to Roughing It
The good news is it’s been raining in Georgia since lunchtime yesterday, exactly the kind of rain we need, the steady rain that soaks in to the drought-dried ground instead of just running off like most of the gully-washer thunderstorms … Continue reading
Tagged Columbia County, GA, Parenting
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Fluoride in drinking water
Andrea reads the forums and articles on several parenting sites and sometimes points me to information that’s pretty interesting for our situation. Apparently, the American Dental Association acknowledges breast milk as “the most complete form of nutrition for infants,” and … Continue reading
Tagged Parenting
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Pro Cycling Doping Admissions
So many current and former pro cyclists have admitted, all in the space of a few weeks, to doping during their careers that I’m having trouble keeping track. Numerous members of Team Telekom during the mid to late 1990’s have … Continue reading
Tagged Cycling
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