I had my first extended trail ride on the new mountain bike this morning. Jeff and I left for the trail about 9:30, just as it was warming up a little bit and the frost was melting off the cars. Since we were leaving a little bit later due to the winter light and cooler temperatures, we decided to do a mountain bike ride on Bartram Trail. We road the yellow-blazed main trail 7 miles from the West Dam parking lot to Petersburg Campground, then back along the same route. About halfway back, we followed the white blazes of the Lake Springs trail down to a pier in a quiet inlet, then back to the Bartram Trail to head back to the car. Neither of us have bike computers on our mountain bikes, but it was probably around 16 miles. It was a gentle introduction to mountain biking, as there were no sections of trail that seemed technically challenging.
It was a really nice ride, and we passed a few campgrounds I’d like to try out with Andrea, Elizabeth and Finley sometime this spring.