Base 10

After my solo early morning ride today, which wasn’t supposed to be solo but after one of my riding buddies suggested yesterday evening we leave at 6:00 or 6:15 and then failing to show up by 6:40 when I was finally awake and motivated enough to ride by myself, I uploaded my last few days commuting and this mornings’ ride to Motionbased, and noticed I logged exactly 100 miles this week and 1000 miles so far this year.

No, I didn’t ride circles around the court to get the numbers to work out like that. I play numbers games in my head when I ride, so I knew if I made 35 miles this morning, I’d end up with 100 miles for the week, but I had no idea about the other benchmark, and I wasn’t trying to make it work out exactly, I was going for more of an “at least” type of thing.

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