Feminism: Take Dooce

I’m not sure if that can qualify as a pun but anyway…

I don’t watch morning or daytime television, not because I think it’s wrong or I don’t have time because I’m too busy working, but really just because there’s no television in the areas of our home where I spend my mornings or daytimes. Thankfully I missed a Good Morning America interview with law professor Linda Hirshman where she said it’s a mistake for educated women to stay at home with their children. Also thankfully, Dooce has summarized it for me so I can seethe about it at leisure instead of in real time.

When Andrea and I were deciding what sort of parenting to provide Elizabeth, we read a lot about this subject, and found quite a few studied opinions that contradict Hirshman’s advice. It makes sense to us as parents that we are the best people to care for our daughter, that we should appreciate and take advantage of the financial situation that allows Andrea to provide nearly full-time care for Elizabeth during these first few years of her life, and that starting our daughter’s education this way is in fact the very best way that we can contribute to her future and to ours.

So, Dooce, I join you in giving the big middle finger to Linda Hirshman and her brand of feminism. I definitely prefer yours.

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One Response to Feminism: Take Dooce

  1. Jenny says:

    I’ll second that. Part of feminism is being whatever you want to be, including a stay at home mom. It’s best for the kids, and if you can afford to stay home, the kids get the message that they’re important.

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